Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Remember That One Time...

that I thought it would be fun to document my pregnancy on a neat little blog??
Yeah that worked out really great, didn't it?
Let's give it another go, shall we?

Well I made it to 39 weeks with no problems- just some swelling. Hello cankles!

Sweet baby girl arrived on October 13 at 5:30pm.
Birth story and month one coming soon.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Baby Hunt: Week 16

16 weeks! That's 4 weeks to the halfway mark! Holy cow.
This week was pretty good, nothing too exciting expect some pregnancy brain happenings. More people are commenting on my belly. Hello self-consciousness! No strangers have said anything or tried to touch me. Thank goodness. The bump is definitely growing!

Our youth group had a garage sale yesterday to raise money to go to camp so we were busy all week getting ready for this. It was very successful and they raised more than their goal! I felt bad not being able to help with the heavy things, but telling the teenagers to get out of my chair was fun :)

How far along? 16 weeks
Baby is the size of: An avocado- 4.6 inches and about 3.5 ounces
Maternity clothes: Yes please
Sleep? Great! until my alarm goes off...
Best moment this week: Sitting on the porch with friends last night! So relaxing after a long day
Movement? I think I felt some flutters. Maybe.
Food cravings: Not really anything this week
Miss anything? Not so much this week
Gender: Not sure yet- hopefully finding out in a few weeks! One of my kids at work told me "I think you're going to have a girl because YOU'RE a girl!" #logic
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on- if I'm on my feet for quite a while my fingers start to swell so they aren't on all the time.
Looking forward to? Summer break can't get here soon enough!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pregnancy Brain: It's a real thing, y'all!!

Let's talk about pregnancy brain. Ya know, when you get flaky, forgetful, and spaced out while pregnant. Because of course it's a legit pregnancy symptom.
VERY scientific.

There are 6 other speech assistants that I work with and we are pretty tight. I mean, we do group costumes for Halloween and we have a constant group text going. You don't find these kind of people very often. Monday through Thursday we are all at our campuses doing therapy and Fridays we are all downtown together just hanging out working very hard. And we always eat out for lunch.
Last Friday we went to firehouse subs, ran a few errands after, and went back to work.

Where I puked in the parking lot. Because this baby apparently doesn't like a good sammich. TMI? sorry.

Since there was some extra stuff on my shirt and my shoes, I went home.

I decided what a great opportunity to do a little online shopping for Mother's Day so I brought my wallet inside. Made my purchases and went on with my business.

Hubs and I had plans on going to dinner with some friends later. We were in the parking lot at the restaurant and I wanted to switch to my smaller purse. My wallet was no where to be found and I started to freak out. I sent a text to the girls at work to see if it was in the car we went to lunch in then called the sandwich place. The girl on the phone was so sweet. I told her that I had been in for lunch earlier and had misplaced my wallet. She put me on hold to go check the safe. Then it hit me
My wallet was at home.
On the couch.
Next to my computer.
Because I had bought things earlier.

Sweet sandwich girl picked up the phone and again, was so sweet.
Sandwich girl: "I'm so sorry! I didn't see it in there!"
Me: "Oh! I just got a text from my friend! (lies) She found it in her car! (more lies) ThanksforlookinghaveagreatdayBYE!" I was so embarrassed.

Pregnancy Brain y'll. Seriously.

THEN! Oh yes. there's another story.

So at work we use these key fob things to sign in and out. You scan your fob thing on this little box that is hooked up to the computer, your face pops up, and you click "check-in" or "check-out". Pretty simple. One of my schools is really bad about turning it off too early. When it is turned on, you can hear a ding. I kept swiping my key fob thing and it wasn't dinging! Ugh! They turned it off early again! RUDE!
It wasn't dinging because I was trying to swipe the square sticky notes that were next to the box.

Is it summer break yet???

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Baby Hunt: Week 14

Is it just me, or is this flying by??
I went to the doctor on Thursday and got to hear the heart beat! A strong 153 :) We go back in 4 weeks when I'll be 18 weeks, not sure if that's when our anatomy scan will be or not. We're planning on finding out the sex of the baby at a gender reveal party that some friends are going to put together for us. I'm ready to know so we can get the baby room ready to go!

How far along? 14 weeks. Hello second trimester!
Baby is the size of: A lemon! About 3.4 inches from head to rump and about 1.5 ounces
Maternity clothes: Nothing new
Sleep? Great! until my alarm goes off...
Best moment this week: Getting to hear the heart beat
Movement? Not yet
Food cravings: I haven't been craving anything specific, but if something sounds good, it sounds really good!
Miss anything? I did some work outside on Saturday planting some things in our front yard and a Michelob would have tasted pretty good after coming inside!
Gender: Not sure yet
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Looking forward to? I'm ready to have a baby bump and not just look like I've eaten too many burritos

Bump pictures coming soon. Promise!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Baby Hunt: Week 13

I'll make this one short and sweet. I was home sick for 2 days this week with a stomach bug. Yay for public school germs...
I feel like my morning all day sickness is making its way out the door! Finally. So hopefully I'll start feeling so much better and I kick this bug.

How far along? 13 weeks
Baby is the size of: A peach! about 2.9 inches from head to rump, and about .81 ounces
Maternity clothes? Nothing new
Sleep? I caught a stomach bug this week so I was down for the count for a few days. I got a ton of sleep but feel so tired.
Best moment this week: I would have to say extra cuddles with the pug since I was home sick for two days. She's not going to know what to think when October gets here :)
Movement: Nothing yet
Food cravings: Nothing this week
Miss anything? Not wanting to puke all the time
Gender: Too soon to know :)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to? Our next appointment next week!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Baby Hunt: Week 12

Happy Easter! This is such a sweet time of year for so many reasons.

We get to celebrate our savior dying on the cross and coming back three days later just as He said He would. Hallelujah.
It's starting to feel more and more like spring. Hello warmer (and windy) weather!

Summer break is so close I can smell it. #47moreworkdays

Baseball is back! #gorangers

We had a pretty low-key Easter. We went to church this morning. We're teaching the 3,4,5 year old class this month so that's always fun! I made a brisket in the crockpot last night and a couple friends came over to eat. It was a good day!

Here's a little update on the little peanut:

How far along? 12 weeks
Baby is the size of: A plum! about 2 inches from head to rump, and about .5 ounces
Maternity clothes? I bought a pair of jeans. #elasticwaistbandftw
Sleep? So tired. All the time.
Best moment this week: My favorite time of each week is being at church or with our community group and knowing that this baby is so loved already by so many people.
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Strawberries and slushes from sonic
Miss anything? Not wanting to puke all the time
Gender: Too soon to know :)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to? Hopefully this nausea will be making its way out soon!

I don't think I'm showing yet, but when there's a bump I'll start putting up (hopefully) weekly pictures!


What a Savior

He is not here; He has risen, just as He said.
Matthew 28:6

Free printable found here

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Let's get caught up with the baby news, shall we?

So John and I started talking about starting a family almost 2 years ago. I had found out that I didn't get into grad school (again) and were trying to figure out what our next step was. So we started playing chicken- ya know, not really trying but not preventing anything. This went on for about a year. We decided that I should try for graduate school one more time and see what happens. I didn't get it. Thanks TWU.

I have several friends that have PCOS and after talking to them about their symptoms, I called the PA at my doctor's office and scheduled a visit. We found out that I have hypothyroidism and he started me on meds right away to get my thyroid straightened out. This was in August. By December we found a happy dosage and my thyroid was acting how it was supposed to. Let's jump to February.

I got home from work on the 10th and John wasn't home yet. I knew that I had a box of tests in the bathroom and taking one wouldn't hurt anything. It was just going to be negative like every other test had been over the last year, right?


So wrong.

2 immediate pink lines wrong.


My jaw hit the floor. Of course my first thought was that the test was faulty and it had to be wrong. So naturally, I went to the dollar store the next day and stocked up on those cheap tests. They all had to be faulty too because they ALL turned positive over the next few days! Ok, so that makes at least 5 positive pregnancy tests. One would assume that would be enough. On no. Not me. I was still in such disbelief that I had to go buy just one of the fancy schmancy ones that spell out PREGNANT on the screen. Thank goodness for the fun money we each get in our monthly budget :)
And you guessed it, the digital one said pregnant too!

This was the week before Valentine's Day and I wanted to do something cute to tell John. Like get a cake or something. Yeah I can't hold in surprises for more than a day.

Wednesday night was the drawing for the big powerball thing. Here's how our conversation went:
J: I bought some powerball tickets.
Me: Oh yeah? Want to know what I bought?
J: What?
I handed him a baggie filled with all the thousand tests I had taken
J: What is this? Are you serious? OMG!

We are both so surprised that it only took two months after getting my thyroid leveled out to finally see those 2 pink lines.

Stay tuned! More baby updates to come :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Baby Hunt will be making his/her arrival in October :)

We are over the moon!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Oh Heeeeey!

So this makes ROUND 2 for my blogging attempt. Let's hope that this one goes better than the first :)
I LOVE reading blogs and have always wanted to have my own! Y'all. I even learned how to to do a tiny bit of coding! Do you see those super awesome looking buttons over there (--->) where you can follow me on all the social media things? Yeah those took about 5 minutes forever to figure out. Awesome!

So welcome to my own little cozy corner of the internet.

So I think the first good blog post should include a little bit about me (ya know, just for the minuscule chance that someone other than our family is reading this). So here it goes.

I'm Casey. A sort of crafter, sewer, crocheter, and chalkboard maker. My unfinished project pile is never ending.
I married JakeJohn in 2011, we met 2 weeks after I started college in 2007 :) We live in dusty West Texas with the red dirt, tumble weeds, and oil rigs. We have 2 dogs, Phoebe the cutest pug on Planet Earth, and Lady the never ending tennis ball chaser lab. Sweet precious fur babies.
Ok so that's not much but it's a start!